Written by: David Lindsay-Abaire
Directed by: David Smith-English
Sept. 6-30, 2018
Ripcord by David Lindsay-Abaire much like his other comedies (Fuddy Meers and Good People) introduces audiences to characters that are unforgettable. On an upper floor of prime real estate in the Bristol Place Senior Living Facility cantankerous Abby is forced to share her quarters with new-arrival Marilyn. Abby has no choice but to get rid of the infuriatingly chipper Marilyn by any means necessary. A seemingly harmless bet between the two women quickly escalates into a dangerous game of one-upmanship.
Sponsored by Pamela Bloom, Jean and Bob Macy, Jean Uzelac.

Anita Sorel
Randi Douglas*
James Sharinghousen
Jayson Shanfelt
Jayne Stevens
Tom Mounsey
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association