The Christians

Upcoming Show: March 25

Show Time: 3:00 pm

Written By: Lucas Hnath

Directed By: David Smith-English

A big-little play about faith in America and the trouble with changing your mind. Join us for a lively post-show actor/director discussion that includes coffee and cookies!

The Story
Twenty years ago, Pastor Paul’s church was nothing more than a modest storefront. Now he presides over a congregation of thousands, with classrooms for Sunday School, a coffee shop in the lobby, and a baptismal font as big as a swimming pool. Today should be a day of celebration. But Paul is about to preach a sermon that will shake the foundations of his church’s belief.


Pastor: Dennis Kelly
Wife: Jayne Stevens
Associate: Tom Mounsey
Elder: Tobias Andersen
Congregant: Allison Teegarden
Stage Directions: Cyndy Smith-English